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Friday, July 25, 2008

Rainy Fridays, MS likes them

Not very often can you say MS appears to like something, weird I know, here it goes.
I woke up this morning with the usual pains, spacticity, you know the deal. It was raining out so I decided to concentrate on some undone tasks. I cleaned out my files, got rid of old letters from Medciare telling me how much they made my doctor cut his bill. Felt sorry for the doctor, they have light bills too.
The MS kept it's distance, not beating me over the head. I guess I was relaxing and did not even know it. I didn't have any grandkids to watch today, Deanna was running errands, so it was me day.
I enjoyed listening to Rush Limbaugh, who always keeps me abreast of all this mess from 12-3.
What I am getting at is that every once in a while, if we can do things we WANT to do, it seems to make the MS not quite as severe. But you know, even though you are retired, somebody is going to want something, soon.
Take that time for something you enjoy, It might make your day a little better.
Well, gotta go do one of those somethings from somebody. Better take a pain pill, MS doen't like to be told what to do...

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Another Day, Another Challenge

Today, really is not like any other day. In todays financial climate, all of us in a similar situation. I don't want to sound ungrateful, but I did not ask for this disease and the resulting dependence on the government for every aspect of my life. I have Medicare A, B, and D. D is really a joke for those of us on expensive medications. I hit the Donut Hole this month. Sevreral Drug Manufacturers have stepped up and given me the meds at either very little charge or none at all.
The point of all this is that it is a full time job to manage being on disability. I spend alot of time working on the papaerwork, making sure it is correct, writing letters to Medicine manufacturers.
My surrent concern, and should be of us all is this. 2.3% last year does not even scratch the surface of the cost of living we have endured. Yes, it's back to groceries or gas. Write you congressman or anybody else who will listen, we are sinking.....
Arise my brothers and sisters,,,,,,,,,Mitch

Friday, July 18, 2008

Ask your Drug Manufacturer for Help !

I feel it a duty to spread the word. Many of MS patients are on alot of expensive medications. Most of us are also on Medicare Part D. Don't get me wrong, I am very thankful to have Medicare D. When the illustrious Governor of the State of Tennessee killed Tenncare back in 2005-06, all of us were left to fend for ourselves. Not including Beatseron, our monthly meds were running about $800. We had to sell our house, move away 150 miles to stay in a house owned by my stepmother. When Medicare D came along, it was a godsend. The only catch is, if you have a serious illness, it is easy to hit the "donut hole" by mid year. I took it upon myself and contacted the drug manufacturers, all but Eli Lilly, stepped right up and have helped beyond belief. My wife and I are both on Lyrica, a relatively new med by Pfizer. They were excellent. I have to take the med for Neuropathic pain, which it stopped. My wife takes it for Fibromyalgia. It has turned the clock for her 25 years. I guess what I am getting at, don't be afraid to ask. By researching the manufacturers on the internet, calling them, and explaining the situation, they were great. Yes, it can be daunting, and up front, sometimes they will say if you have insurance they can't help, but after you explain the entire situation and that you are for all purposes uninsured, They are VERY caring.
Don't sit back in despair, America's drug companies will help us