As I sit on this rainy evening it is really dull outside. The scanner is chatting and I am listening to last nights Mark Levin show on the internetm gotta love it.
At this point, which I still think could change, I support Newt Gingrich for President of the United States.
Romney needs to be President, Gingrich needs to serve as President. Big Difference.
Gingrich pledges to Overturn Obamacare, which I favor except for the provision on Medicare Part D which provides for a 50% cut in price on generic meds when in the doughnut hole, which Deanna and I will hit by May 1.
I am a Conservative, but, I also receive Social Security Disabiliity. Even though I am Conservative, The disabled are in the position we are in thru no fault of our own. We worked, paid into the SS System and are gauranteed this provision by law. We have been short changed over the last 2 years, not receiving a cost of living increase, and beleive me the cost of living is really increasing.
More to come...Mitch