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Wednesday, August 29, 2012

A more clear Blog Title

For those that agree and disagree with me, I changed the title of my blog trying to make it cleared for those surfing thru..Stop and take a look


Kim | MS Diet For Women said...

Wow, 22 years with MS Mitch, thats amazing. I was diagnosed in Oct 2010. I have worried what I would be like after that long. What would you say has best worked for you? I have started a blog about using diet to help treat MS - has that worked for you?

The title of your blog is clearer now! ;)

Unknown said...

Petersburg and Richmond employees have a median annual wage of $29,400 with the upper division earning $34,635 and the lower division receives $24,590. Those who are situated in the city of Roanoke have a yearly pay check of $26,826 with the upper sector making $31,602 and the lower sector receives $22,437 on average.